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Dear Garrison Families, If your student is planning on participating in spring sports we are offering free sport physicals on Feb 20th. It will be taking place in the Health Center and would be performed by Dr. Viavant. 
If interested there are Paper forms that need to be completed and turned in by February 18th.
Please pick up forms at the front office. 

If you have any questions please email Mariana Saldana, The Bilingual Care Coordinator, 

Read More about Free sport physicals for students on Feb 20th

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Featured Tools & Information

Skyward Family/Student Access

Access student grades, class schedules, attendance, and more.

Peachjar School Flyers

Peachjar’s platform streamlines school-to-home communication by distributing valuable school and community resources directly to families as digital flyers.

YONDR Phone-Free Policy

Creating a Phone-Free Environment for Our Schools

Volunteer In Person (VIP)

VIP is an easy way to get involved in your local schools! Access our easy-to-use online volunteer management system.

The Health Center

The Health Center is an on-site clinic offering medical and behavioral health services during school hours.

Anonymous Tip Reporting

Anonymously report bullying, harassment, threats of violence, suicide, drugs, vandalism, weapons, and other safety concerns.


SchooLinks is here to support students and their families on their journey towards college and career readiness.

School Closures & Delays

Safety is the primary factor for delaying or canceling school due to inclement weather. Find the most up-to-date closure information here.

Online Payments

Online payment system to pay for yearbooks, meals payments, overdue book fines, etc.

Health and Safety Information

Information for schools, students, and families to learn more about safety topics.

Jolliest Bunch of Teachers Holiday Shirts

Our School


Our Mission at Garrison Middle School is centered on the importance of providing a positive and safe environment that allows all students to achieve academic excellence.
More About Us

Our Principal:
Kim Doepker, Principal